====== Open Collaborative Platform ====== OCP (Open Collaboration Platform) is Freedom Coop's fork of the existing NRP Value Network software used for the Sensorica project, written in Python/Django. https://freedomcoop.eu/tools/ Here's the code: https://github.com/FreedomCoop/valuenetwork Here's the test installation: https://testocp.freedomcoop.eu/ Here are a bunch of tutorials, mostly about the previous software: https://testocp.freedomcoop.eu/accounting/tutorials/ Here's xavip2p 's install doc: https://github.com/FreedomCoop/valuenetwork/blob/master/docs/install_ocp_debian_apache_ssl.rst https://github.com/FreedomCoop/valuenetwork/wiki Here are a set of slide decks about NRP: https://speakerdeck.com/mikorizal Here's another recent one about the data model: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cMDVLAfV6JLBZA-0kHmKcAWfsm68AL6mPQMvrVKGyVA/edit?usp=sharing Mikorizal software: http://mikorizal.org/software.html This is also what is intended to be used for Fair.coop ecosystem ===== How to get involved ===== * List of contact information, primers and FAQs ===== Resources ===== * List of resources connected with that project ===== Related projects ===== * List of projects with dependencies to this project ===== Influsive ===== * List of considered influences and prior art //Type: [[Project page]]//